If you have a number of drawing sheets to print out, Envisioneer can do them all at once. Select File-Batch Printing. In the Batch Printing dialog box, you select which sheets you want to print and uncheck any that you don’t. You have the print information displayed to the right for each sheet so you can update and change any of the print information per sheet. Do want to make this even one step easier? Save the Print Properties of each sheet in your drawing template so you don’t have to set them up each time you print. A template is a drawing file that holds the default settings, you can open up a template, like a regular Envisioneer file and customize it with your preferred Settings. Within your Envisioneer template, Go to View-View Manager. In the view manager each sheet is listed and the print properties of each sheet. If you set up the print properties for each sheet here in your template drawing file they will be remembered for every new project that uses this template as a default. I hope that makes your Envisioneer work, one step easier!