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Soapbox: Does “community” style discourage posts??

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  • #8443

    My opinion, but truly meant as a constructive comment.

    When I look around here, the place seems dead. Hardly any posts and big time gaps. When I last visited a couple of years ago, the standard, threaded forum format was in use and there was activity. I felt that I could ask a question and would receive a timely reply. Now…

    I’m new to Envisioneer, but not really. I used to use FloorPlan and a bit of TurboFloorPlan which were licensed subsets of Envisioneer. Those forums were very active. Hardly ever had to post because someone else had already asked my question and the answer was waiting.

    I find it very hard to research anything here. Where are all of the old posts?

    And there’s no Post Preview. With my habit of typos…


    Related side note:

    Seems like it took me forever to get through all of the Capcha stuff to register. Then I got a “needs to be approved” message. Ok, pretty normal for forum registration in these days of web attacks. Kept checking my mail daily for the approval. Almost 2 weeks go by & I mention it to Support and to a former contact from the “old days.” Get a pleasant call from CadSoft about my log-in problems. Huh? Never tried. Always got a “Welcome” email from other forums on approval. Without it, wouldn’t that be kind of like knocking on someone’s door then just turning knob and trying to walk in? Never even crossed my mind.:banghead: :laugh:




    I think most people are taking advantage of calling into the support line or sending an email to support.
    If you click on the menu at the top right of the screen(the three lines)you can type in what you are looking for in the serch box. This will bring up related support documents and existing forum posts.


    Phone and email Support are 1:1 contacts and don’t help lurkers.  Akin to the old “Give Fish/Teach Fish” theory.  I would assume many questions are repetitive.  Is this the most productive use of Support’s efforts?  And Users often have a different viewpoint…  There are often some very inventive ways to do/show things that the developers would have never envisioned.
    The subdivision by product can be misleading since a lot of the program functionality is shared.  If someone with Construction Suite has a Modeling question and checks by selecting just the Construction Suite product , wouldn’t a bunch of posts be missed?
    As for the Search, I can’t say how many times I’ve looked through Forums trying to find an answer when I find something seemingly related and discover that I’m using different terminology.  Showing more thread titles at a time would help.
    And isn’t the official Cadsoft position on Support for Personal Architect = Forum Only, so no calls or email?
    I do appreciate Support’s contribution here.  Too many product forums are just for users only, IMO.
    Again, my views are meant to be constructive.  Just feel this forum layout paints a shabby, uncared for appearance to the outside world while the interior product is very nice.
    Now how many typos am I going to find after I post this that I can’t edit.   Grrr.


    Just try searching for transparent (for Chris Bain aka Baino) & see what you get!
    If only we could still access the SMF Forum that preceded this <insert sad face> then


    and of course all the emoticons I inserted have become . . . . . . transparent?


    I agree that this forum is not user friendly. I self taught myself how to use this program with helpful advice from many other users on the old forum which was easy and quick to navigate. It was easy to see the new posts and click on and learn from others. This system is slow and cumbersome.
    Yes, the support is helpful, but with different time zones you don’t always get a response when you need it.
    And the search function never seems to find what I am looking for.(The old one worked much better)
    I do really like the program and the continual improvements though!

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