Would anyone have an idea what would stop the import pdf file from working in model view? The pdf file loads but nothing appears. I can import images, but not pdf.
All the best for the season and a great new year to you all. see attachment.
For the record: Reinstalling did not change anything. I was able to create a workaround by converting the pdf to a png image file. Then (in model space), went to >import>project trace image and inserted, then resized. Same image quality. Problem solved.
I am still unsure what happened with the pdf engine.
Is it just this pdf file that gives the error or others as well?
Would you be able to share the pdf file?
I tried several different pdf files and I tried several different bld files, as well as a new file. I’m thinking that it just won’t accept any pdf file.
No image would show in the pdf screen. If I unclick the “convert to image” button the program freezes. If I hit “insert”, the notification (attached to my first comment) appears.
Do any of the pdf files import into the worksheet space?
Which version of the software are you using?
nope. v14
For V14, it’s possible some of the files in the Cadsoft folder may need to be replaced. Do you have an email address I can send the files to?
It has been sent to support for passing on to you.
Thanks Louisa. After file installation it’s working fine now.
Great news, glad to help!
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