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Best computer for Envisioneer?

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  • #14087

    Best computer for Envisioneer?  Specs please.  Laptop or Desktop?  I presently have a laptop.  It seems to be getting slower and slower with every new version of Envisioneer.  I started on version 13 I think.


    It might just need a good cleanout.
    Reinstall Windows (after having imaged the drive just in case & separately backed up all your data & settings) then reinstall Envisioneer. You might be pleasantly surprised! I used to do that religiously every year until Win 7 . . .


    Empirically, the best hardware is not a Surface Pro 7! (Integrated graphics.)

    Surface Pro 4 (Integrated graphics) was OK with Pro Architect 2. (Ca. 2013 = Env 12? Can’t recall.) And SP7 was pretty great with Pro Architect 2, actually.

    Then, I upgraded to Pro Architect 15 after release and renderings take FOR-FRIGGIN-EVER. But liking the updated Catalog and other enhancements. So won’t go back to PA2.

    I guess intermittent users with productivity-oriented hardware are no longer in Cadsoft’s demographic. In which case, good on them!


    Have you updated your video card recently. This is a quick and simple fix for slow running worksheets as least


    Hello MDD,

    I’m curious what type of work do you do mostly, 2d or 3d? if you don’t do 3d you don’t need near as much power.


    I do 2D and 3D.  Use the 3D to help customers understand what they are looking at and asking for.


    Do I need to get a Desktop with a massive RAM and fastest graphics available and fastest processor or do I just need RAM – OR – a faster graphics card – OR – processor?

    When I forget to switch off the “Show View Contents” box in the print command it takes FOREVER for the preview to finishing “Drawing” and let me finish plotting.  Been a few times the program just quit working in the middle of plotting waiting for the ‘Contents’ to finish drawing.

    Not to mention that when I want to view in 3D and ‘Orbit or Fly Around” the exterior of the house, I have to make sure the render option is off and placed on ‘Hidden view’ or ‘Patterned” because its just too slow and jumpy when in  ‘Rendered’ or ‘Rendered Outline’.


    • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by MDDMDD.


    I would say that’s up to you. I experienced the same the same thing. so i really upgraded and got a faster one. which i really like. it allows me to bump up the quality of the render quite a bit and still have it done quicker than what my old one could do.

    system specs
    CPU: threadripper 3960X (24c/48t at 3.9ghz)
    RAM: 128Gb (4x32Gb quad channel 2666mhz)
    graphics : Nvidia Geforce RTX 2070 Super
    SSD: 1TB samsing 970 Evo
    PSU: 1000w EVGA G3

    So what happening when your program quits working is that it’s overtaxing the RAM, when the memory just goes up and up until it freezes the program or crashes it.

    And it becomes slow and clunky in 3D view is when your graphics card running maxed out. So you can get a really good one like

    a Nvidia 3960 that just came out recently, I didn’t cause i didn’t want to pay for it 🙂

    I’m working on a pretty large project right now that they want to see every room in the whole house as this is how they’re gonna decide where they want all their electrical, down to all the outlets and i can see already that this file is gonna be that big that my new graphics card is prolly gonna become slow and jerky to.

    It’s a lot faster than what i had but just last week my computer started making a sound so i contacted my tech guy and i guess the water pump or either something else needs to be replaced so not sure why it happened already as the computer is only 5 month old. But a faster computer definitly speeds up the process.

    Does anyone know if  3D  work just wears out certain parts on a computer and you have to replace them or did i just get a faulty water pump or whatever that is wrong?? I’m hoping the warranty will replace this one but was wondering about the future if it would happen again.

    Jack did you pull the trigger on a new one?


    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by conweconwe.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by conweconwe.


    I would say that’s up to you. I experienced the same the same thing. so i really upgraded and got a faster one. which i really like. it allows me to bump up the quality of the render quite a bit and still have it done quicker than what my old one could do.

    system specs

    CPU: threadripper 3960X (24c/48t at 3.9ghz)

    RAM: 128Gb (4x32Gb quad channel 2666mhz)

    graphics : Nvidia Geforce RTX 2070 Super

    SSD: 1TB samsing 970 Evo

    PSU: 1000w EVGA G3


    Holy Hell Conrad! Did it come with a full 3-point harness or does a simple shoulder-strap and lapbelt suffice to keep you strapped in your chair?

    That is a beautiful machine for this work!



    Let me tell you it’s fun if all 24 processors are popping on all pistons and clocking out at 100%.

    Saves me a lot of time and raises my quality for the VR’s especially which is what i like to do for people they’re below 15 min. for the best quality and my renders got cut by at least 6 times more on some of them  comparing to my old laptop 🙂



    Can’t stop drooling!


    Will Envisioneer work on multiple screens? I have a separate monitor and would like to place the 3D model on the other screen so I don’t have to keep flipping back and forth on my single screen.


    Yes MDD,

    Go  Window>cascade open views> and stretch it across both screens. then move the different views into place.

    My screen below.


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