Set your roof eaves to ‘plumb’ so the soffit is flat.
Set your gable to ‘plain’ so the eaves are not boxed at the ends.
You end up with a small triangular opening at the ends of your eaves….very unattractive. (see attached)
Is there any way to easily enclose these openings without boxing the gable?
I’m guessing the answer will be something along the lines of…”draw in little wall segments at the needed elevation and slope their tops”
I’d love to hear that they’ve fixed this in some later version (post v13)…perhaps a nice little toggle-box that closes the opening with a mouse-click!
Inspire me to upgrade with practical developments to age-old problems, please.
There are 2 ways to finish the soffit.
See graphic
Hi Chantale,
Thanks for the reply. I am familiar with the method you’re describing, however it does not do what I am referring to. Your method ‘boxes’ the eave and closes it off, but it does so out at the fascia face, not at the gable wall face, which is what I am referring to.
See attached render. On the left side I have created a wall segment, sloped its top to match the roof and elevated it into place, on a separate level…it is the only way I know of doing this. You can see on the right side also, that I did not add the wall segment to close off the eave…it was not important to what I was doing.
I want to close it off at the wall plane, not the fascia (eaves) plane.
Add an input box to the Gable:Type area that allows me adjust its depth so I can “square’ it as you’re referring to, and set its face back however far I want.
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