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Add Delete NODES is Great in v12

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  • #5875

    v12 add and delete nodes is a fantastic addtion to v12.

    In this Entry prelim, I must have redone the curves for the paver brick walk, the tiles oval entry and grasscrete drive 15 times.

    In the past I would have had to either move multiple nodes together to reform the shape or just delete the object and start over.

    By either adding nodes or deleting from the right click option, I made all the various changes without a problem.

    Look how simple and clean the nodes are in the the attachment.

    Great job delvelopers. Small changes reap great rewards at times.





    ps attachment is a jpg and has one word ‘name’. Testing to see if it is downloadable.


    It downloaded OK, 247KB, but the default filename was nodes.jpg

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